Dear Edy,
Thanks for commenting on my blog. Originally, I supported
Ted Cruz because of many problems confronting our country that are much larger
than the ones I have as a transsexual.
Our current
circumstances remind of what John Kennedy said- “Ask not what your country can
do for you, but what you can do for your country.” Too often it is about what
the government is going to do for me, anymore. I prefer to live my life with
minimal interference or social engineering from the government.
Originally, I was for Ted Cruz because of what he stood for:
Strong borders preventing people from entering our country illegally, a strong
national defense, the willingness to prosecute a war against ISIS and Islamic
terrorism, here in our country and abroad, and rebuilding the economy which has
been pitifully lagging for the past 12 years or so. We need real jobs for
people, not a lot of low paying part time jobs with no benefits that people
can’t live on and no potential for potential career development. Initially, Ted
Cruz looked as though he could deliver that better than the other Republican
It was towards the end of the primary election process that
I learned what Ted Cruz was saying about people. As a result, I determined that
Donald Trump would be the candidate I would support.
You mention the bathroom issue in North Carolina for being
shocked that I would support Mr. Cruz or Mr. Trump. I believe the left created
a problem where one really didn’t exist to attempt to create a wedge issue with
This problem didn’t originate in North Carolina. It was
originally created by the City Council of Houston, Texas, controlled by the
democrats. They held a referendum on an ordinance for transgender rights to use
public restrooms. People like me have been using the appropriate bathroom to
our gender identity for quite some time. For the most part there have not been
problems, particularly if we assimilated into our gender identity and have had
our legal documentation changed. For the most part, the general public is not
very well educated about the lives of transgender people. We have been largely
invisible, something that has worked for me very well. I prefer it that way.
The referendum was defeated, public attention and scrutiny of people who
previously had no problems suddenly had unwanted attention cast their way. In
response the City of Charlotte North Carolina passed an ordinance allowing
transgender people to use the bathrooms appropriate to their gender identity.
This provoked the North Carolina legislature to pass HB2 prohibiting
transgender people from using the bathroom that is appropriate for them to use.
Prior to the left getting involved there was not much of a problem. So I am
saying “Thank You very little” for making my life more complicated.
Then to dump gas on a fire, Obama comes out saying
transgender people will be allowed to use locker rooms and shower facilities.
To me it’s an attempt to use people like me as pawns in the struggle of identity
politics. I am adamantly opposed to being used for a fight that only served to
further marginalize transpeople. Being pre op, I have no place in a woman’s
locker room. After I have GRS, then that is an entirely different manner. Think
about this: Why on earth would I want to put myself in a position to make other
women feel uncomfortable with my presence? I share the same sentiments as
genetic women about privacy and feeling a sense of safety when I use these
The bathroom is a totally different situation. Women’s
bathrooms offer much more privacy. Everyone uses an individual stall with a
door. You go in, do what you need to do, wash your hands and check your makeup
and hair.
Let’s face it, NO ONE like to have something crammed down
their throats, particularly when it’s something relatively unknown. I surely
don’t. That’s why I feel like the left has used us like pawns. They don’t
really seem to care about us individually, just as a collectivist block of
votes. They see us as expendables. That’s why I don’t support the Democrats. It’s
been the same way with the Gay Lesbian and bisexual political organ: they threw
transsexuals under the bus as expendables since the times I can remember. We
are an afterthought.
The Republicans in North Carolina were stupid to
react to the Charlotte city council. They have been played like a fine Stradivarius
violin. As they are poised to repeal HB2 in a deal with Charlotte, now Liberal Charlotte
threatens to pull back to repeal their bathroom ordinance. They would rather
score political points against Republicans and Conservatives than do the right
thing and make the whole bathroom thing a nonissue again.
In any event, my belief is that my inalienable rights as a
human are not granted or removed by any government; they are bestowed by my
Creator, no matter how you define the Creator.
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