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Thursday, November 15, 2012

Further Along..... Tomorrow is my meeting.

As the time is closer, I am becoming more calm about what will happen tomorrow. This meeting is about more than my informing my boss that I wish to transition at work, but the topics to be discussed lead into this discussion nicely.

I'm reminded of a song that I heard from the soundtrack of Norma Rae and it has stuck with me..... I'd like to share part of it as it is reflective of my state of mind this evening.

I'm quite touched and overwhelmed with all the love and support I have gotten in sharing my preparation for this meeting and I am so very thankful!

Here are part of the lyrics from the song It Goes Like it Goes written by David Shire and Norman Gimble:

Ain't no miracle being born
People doin' it everyday
It ain't no miracle growing up, ah
People just grow that way

So it goes like it goes
Like the river flows
And time it rolls right on
And maybe what's good gets a little bit better
And maybe what's bad gets gone

Love to all of you, Sherri Lynne Tancyus


  1. It is finally here.Your new birthday.I have both feared and longed for this day to come.You are in labor this morning and you are scared.But you are also filled with excitement and joyful anticipation for the birth of Sherri Lynne Tancyus.You are surrounded by loving midwives and doulas who are holding your hand, wiping your sweaty brow and whispering words of encouragement and love in your ear.I am by your side every step of the way,ready to welcome this beautiful person into the world with you and standing in front of you as guard against fear and the unknown.I give to you today a birthday gift.I didn't make it.I didn't buy it.I chose it with all the love in my heart and from the deep well of grace from which God has blessed us.My gift from my heart to yours is hope.It is yours to keep.It is yours to give away.It will never grow old and never run out.It thrives on peace and trust and must be watered every day.Should you forget to water it I will be there reminding you.No power can deny you this gift.Let there be a cushion of calm at the center of your life where you live in union with me.The world is a needy place,do not go there for sustenance.God is with you and holding your right hand as I hold your left.When you find your completeness with God's help you will shine more brightly into the lives of others thn ever before.Today is your birthday and we are here for you.I love you more than words can say.My prayer for you today is that God's will be done and that you will be forever graced by His loving presence as you enter the world in which your place has been waiting for you with open arms. I love you forever.Patty

  2. Plan your "work" your "plan"! go get 'em!!!
    Traci O'Gara xoxo

  3. You are married to an extraordinary woman!

  4. Patty, you made me cry... Not tears of being afraid, but tears of happiness and love.......
    I love you so much, Sherri
